- Mar 09, 2023
- Amir Farooq
- No Comments

AI content has been able to gain immense hype in recent years? As a writer are you tempted to avail this latest offering and speed up your work in no time? The fact of the matter is that research can take hours together so availing AI might sound enticing.
However, as a writer you might become insecure whether you will lose your worth in the content writing industry if AI becomes the call of the day. We, will talk about this hot debate here and do a realistic comparison between AI Content vs. Human content.
AI Content vs. Human content
- Emotions the highlight of content: When we talk about Human content, then it always beats the AI content when it comes to emotions. Artificial intelligence is undoubtedly a powerful technology but it can never beat human emotions. Well, this should give a sigh of relief to writers that content loses its spark without a touch of human emotions.
- Readability and structure: The sentence structure is yet another element where human content has its edge. Whenever you use a tool to create content, you will notice one common aspect. The sentences are pretty long, and that is why the readability of the content can be an issue. What you must keep in mind is that short and concise content will never lose its value. Well, this is why writers may need to restructure AI content a bit to improve the readability.
- Complex content: Now, there is one thing you must keep in mind. AI can never generate content which requires users feedback, perspective and input guidelines. The best example is tutorials. For example to write an accurate tutorial, a domain expert can give guidelines about the steps to follow.
The same holds true for product reviews. You might be able to write product reviews with the help of AI tools. However, most writers noticed this common glitch. Well, in most of the cases, the tools fall short when it comes to writing the description and the ingredients of the product.
Well, both the description and the ingredients are critical aspects of a product. The description helps a user analyze whether the product will offer value to him. Secondly, the ingredients can give insight to the user whether the product is safe for use or not.
AI may not be suitable for writing press releases also. The reason is that you need exact facts and figures when writing a press release. The fact is that a press release is the main communication mode of the most of the big brands so you cannot go wrong here.
It will not be wrong to say that AI tools are best suited for researching content on generic topics. However, you may not find useful content by AI tools on complex topics.
The positive part is AI content can be used in blogs, and other types of digital media. It can be used on sites like Facebook and Twitter but people are more likely to pay attention to human-authored content than they are to machine-generated content. AI content can be used in unusual ways, such as when an AI program writes a poem or composes music that it performs live.
AI-generated text is sometimes used within video games as part of the game’s story line or plotline.
The final conclusion
Artificial intelligence is all about content. The more you feed it, the smarter it becomes. And what do we feed our AIs? Content!
So far, so good — but there is a problem: how do we make sure that we’re feeding our AI with quality content? How do we know if our algorithm is going to be able to produce better results than a human would?
The answer is simple: machine learning! Machine learning allows us to create an algorithm using data from previous experiments, as well as input from users and customers. This way, your AI can learn from its mistakes and improve over time.
Humans are better at analyzing data than AI. Humans can be trained to understand and make sense of it, while AIs have to be programmed with that understanding.
Humans are better at building relationships with others than Ais. We’re social creatures who need people in our lives for our own well-being.
Humans are better at communicating complex information than Ais. We’re good at remembering things, and complicated concepts often get broken down into simpler parts as we try to explain them, a process that’s easier with a human brain.
Evaluate the pros and cons of both AI and human writing. The best approach will be that you should be familiar with AI tools but your writing should not be dependent on them. You can also make your content a mix and match of both AI and human writing.
The benefit is that you can take advantage of both the resources this way.

Our Head of Content, Amir is the storyteller of the digital domain. From captivating copy to engaging content, he orchestrates the narrative that defines our web presence.